Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Exodus Mandate and the Pray for Truth Road Trip: Part 4

E. Ray Moore speaking this year in South Carolina
A few years ago I met Ray Moore in South Carolina.  He is a homeschooling dad.  Twenty years ago he started Exodus Mandate.

I am honored to represent him and Exodus Mandate in New England.

On April 18th Ray participated in a two hour debate that you can watch on your internet connected device.  What's even more exciting, however, is the fact that you can watch it as a student in the Worldview Christian Academy.  Registration is free, and the entire thought-provoking debate can be viewed.

Exodus Mandate is sponsoring my Pray for Truth Road Trip.  My youngest son, Jared, is joining me in this exciting cross country spiritual adventure.  We hope to meet with some Christian heroes along the way.  My goal is to fill a portion of our drive time with reading the New Testament.

The motto of Exodus Mandate is "Let my children go!"  This is, of course, based on the biblical demand Moses made of Egypt's Pharoah.  Exodus Mandate expands the motto with the purpose of "Encouraging families to leave government schools for the promised land of K-12 Christian education."

Here in Maine the government is evangelizing for sodomy and gender-confusion in the schools.  The most visible program is the Civil Rights Team project in the Attorney General's office.  Most government schools in Maine have one of these teams.

You don't have to google very far to sniff the rotten fruit of this ideology.  A teacher in one of these schools in Maine made international news last month for promoting gender confusion to very young children.

You know it is happening in your school.  These are not isolated incidents anymore.

The Message renders the words of Jesus, "if you give one of these simple, childlike believers a hard time, bullying or taking advantage of their simple trust, you’ll soon wish you hadn’t. You’d be better off dropped in the middle of the lake with a millstone around your neck."

Make no mistake, the government is now a full-fledged bully.  There is no other way to think about this issue.  The bigger the institution, the more likely it is to be muscling up to bully Christians and make them toe-the-line on sodomy.

Is there anything more important than protecting and nurturing the innocence of our children -- the next generation of Americans?  I can't think of anything.

Let my children go!

1 comment:

  1. I feel so bad for your kids.
    Jared- there is a whole awesome world out there. Get away from you homosexual obsessed dad and explore it! I was raised in a home like yours and was able to wakeup one day and relize all the crazy is just that crazy. I'm rooting for you and your siblings that you don't waste your life like your father is wasting his.
